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10 Things to Do on a Walk for More Memorable Moments With Your Kids

Click here to read 10 Things to Do on a Walk for More Memorable Moments With Your Kids on Hands On As We Grow®

Here are 10 wonderful ideas to help you know what to do on a walk with your kids to make the moments more fun and memorable!

Liven up your walks with some fun and learning! A post written and shared by Aimee at Raising the Cameron Clan.

It is no secret that there is an obesity epidemic in the United States.

As parents it is important that we do our part to encourage our kids to get out there and move.

Going for a walk is an easy way to get everyone moving.

However, sometimes it takes a little creativity to get your kids out the door.

Turn your walks into an adventure with some simple ideas of things you can do!

Make your walks fun and memorable with these 10 simple activity ideas you can do on a walk with your toddlers and preschoolers!

Here are 10 ways to have fun and learn while out on your walk.

1. Make a scavenger hunt.

In my experience kids absolutely love a good scavenger hunt!

And they don’t have to be complicated with hidden clues. Just put a list together of what to find on your walk.

Write a list of things to find or for non-readers you can make a picture list of objects for them to cross off as you walk.

This list can be based on colors, or certain objects or a certain numbers of objects.

It just depends on where you are walking.

This clipping nature colors to match colored clothespins scavenger hunt is an awesome one to take on a walk!

2. Take Pictures.

My boys love to take pictures when we go on walks.

You can give them an old camera, buy a disposable or help them use yours, but kids enjoy taking pictures.

When you get home, you can take those pictures and make them into a simple book.

Liven up your walks with your kids and add some fun and learning to them too with this 10 simple ideas that are sure to build memories.

3. Nature Rubbings.

A fun way to talk about nature is to do some crayon rubbings on things that are outside.

A tree trunk, the sidewalk, a leaf, the drain can all be great ways to talk about the textures in the world around us.

4. Go on a bug hunt walk .

Take a magnifying glass and look at ants, spiders, beetles or any other bugs you see on your walk.

This is a great segway into lots of other conversations like the difference between bugs and spiders.

If you are really brave you can bring along a container and collect some of these bugs so that you can examine them closer when you get home.

We have done this with rollie pollies.

Liven up your walks with your kids and add some fun and learning to them too with this 10 simple ideas that are sure to build memories.

5. Make leaf impressions.

Bring a bag and collect different types of leaves.

When you get home make a batch of salt dough to press your leaves into so that you are left with the leaf impression.

Once the salt dough dries, you can paint your leaves and have a nature inspired piece of art.

have fun and learn on walk with kids

6. Collect and Dissect.

Go out and collect acorns, flowers, and leaves, then bring the home and look inside them.

My boys love to bring home different size acorns and look inside them.

It is a way to work on comparing objects and to see how things look on the inside.

7. Gather “treasures” for an art project.

A walk is a great way to gather free art supplies.

Go out and gather “treasures” then come home and let them create.

It amazes me to see what my boys create from nature collections.

have fun outside on walk with kids and learn

8. Turn your walk into an obstacle course.

Jump over those cracks in the sidewalk. Run a circle around the bench. Touch that tree. Run fast, STOP!

These are all ways to turn a simple walk into a listening and tiring activity.

Get your family moving more on the walk with simple spontaneous directions.

And maybe have your kids take a turn telling you things to do too.

9. Do an I spy … walk.

One of my favorite ways to keep my boys actively involved in a walk is to play the I spy game.

I spy the letter S.

Or, I spy something red.

I spy something yellow.

The possibilities are endless.

And the fun part about this one is the whole family can get in on it!

10. What does that sign mean?

As you walk past any type of sign, ask them what they think the sign might mean.

This helps develop critical thinking skills as well as familiarize your kids with the world around them.

Liven up your walks with your kids and add some fun and learning to them too with this 10 simple ideas that are sure to build memories.

These simple ideas are sure to spice up your walks and the best part is there are all free!

However, the most important part of any walk is to have fun!

If it’s too cold or rainy to go outside you can still keep the kids moving! Download our FREE Active Indoor Week of Activities Plan PDF.

How do you have fun on walks with your kids?

Liven up your walks with your kids and add some fun and learning to them too with this 10 simple ideas that are sure to build memories.

Aimee is a former teacher turned SAHM of three young boys and a husband who travels weekly. She writes about her daily adventures, homeschooling, crafting, running, weight loss, cooking, and life lessons she has learned along the way. You can read about how she is experiencing life with her boys at Raising the Cameron Clan.

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