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A Winnie the Pooh Activity! Please Pair This with Honey Hunt Book

Click here to read A Winnie the Pooh Activity! Please Pair This with Honey Hunt Book on Hands On As We Grow®

Celebrate National Winnie the Pooh Day on January 18th with this super cute and simple Bee Hunt Activity from Natalie in her Member Spotlight below!

Toddlers and preschoolers will love searching for bees around the house and making them too in this easy Winnie the Pooh activity!

Natalie is a super fun mom of 3 little kids who loves being active and outdoors!

She also has a special place in her heart for all things magical and musical thanks to years of working at Disney World.

Before finding The Activity Room®️ Natalie and her kids enjoyed being active. Being at community events, hiking, reading, dancing and visiting the library.

After Covid-19 hit their community they found themselves feeling stuck. She felt life was getting stale since they didn’t have access to any of their favorite outlets.

“With having to stay home and not being able to go out in the community. I like being out and around people. And not being able to do that, we were feeling stuck and crazy and I was looking for something to mix it up.”

What could Natalie do with all this time at home as a family?

Natalie hadn’t done a lot of activities with her kids at home. And she wasn’t one for doing crafts.

She discovered The Activity Room and the ideas grabbed her attention.

“The things that caught my eye were that there was a variety of different activities posted for every day. And that I could put it on my calendar. I love that I can just go to my calendar and it’s there. Because I wasted so much time searching for something to do online. So I love that I had at least three activities every day that I could just go right to.”

Download a Sample Week of Activities for Preschoolers here for Free!

Natalie knew this was something she wanted to do. And she decided if she was going to try it then she wanted to give it her all.

“I am not a person to just spontaneously spend money. I’m pretty frugal, but I was looking at it and going, you know what? If I’m going to try this I want to try it all in. And so I just signed up for the annual.”

After joining Room, Natalie realized she needed to get some basic crafting supplies.

Like the pipe cleaners she uses in her Winnie the Pooh Bee Hunt Activity below.

Searching for bees around the house and making bees too in this easy Winnie the Pooh activity!

“The Activity Room brought crafts into my life. Which sometimes I’m grateful for and sometimes still causes me anxiety with the mess.”

Since she had really not had experience in this area there was a definite learning curve.

But she embraced the challenge! And is so grateful that she jumped in with both feet.

“It has helped me to grow artistically in some ways. And I feel like it has helped me to embrace new ideas with my kids.”

Activities Aren’t Just for The Kids

Natalie shares with us why she loves doing activities with her kids.

“Sometimes it’s a little selfish. I miss being a kid. I feel like the activities give me a chance to be a kid as well as have a good time with my kids. That’s one of the things that excites me the most! Going oh, I’ve never done this before. This will be fun to do and I think that they’ll have fun with it too. We can have fun together!”

“And I am a huge picture memory person. I remember things by pictures. So I’ve loved to take pictures of the kids doing things and me doing [activities] with them. It’s made the last year of memories so much stronger, because I have so many other pictures of things that we did together.”

It’s been just over a year since Natalie decided to join The Activity Room. She tells us she felt emotional when she saw her renewal email.

Thinking about how much they have gained from her membership as a family.

“I’m like, that is not even a lot of money. And it’s so worth it, like thinking about how much that I got.”

Natalie tells us there has been so much more in her membership then just an activity schedule. It has given her support and helped her inspire others also.

“There’s been a lot of pride in being able to share some of the things that I’ve done with other family and friends. Giving other people credit saying this is not me, but it’s been fun to do. I think that it’s been great for my family and friends outside the community to see what can be done. And the fun that we’re having with it.”

“My favorite part has been the community. I’ve really, really loved being able to have the community. When I’ve had a bad day, or a good day and having people praise the effort or praise a failure and encourage. It’s been incredible to have that kind of moms support group as well as a fun support system.”

“We just love it. It’s a great blessing to our family for sure.“

Let’s Meet Natalie

How many kids do you have and how old are they?

3 kids. Boy- 6, boy- 4, and girl- 3

Why do you love doing activities with your kids?

They allow me a brief return to childhood and bless our lives with creative memories together

How long have you been in The Activity Room?

one year ago

What is your favorite activity you’ve done in The Activity Room?

There are so many to choose from!

One of our favorites was a twist we did on a Halloween sensory bin. I used the strings inside of paracord as spider webs and filled our kiddie pool with them. It brought hours of “potion-making” fun for days!

Another favorite of mine was the heart-a-day in February. It was so wonderful to take a moment every day to think of something I loved about each of my kids

What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids when you get a few moments?

Snuggle together and read stories

What’s your best tip for doing activities with your kids?

Prep/plan in advance!! However, if you’re like me and a total procrastinator, have a list of go-to activities (tried & new) that use materials you already have on hand & you are really excited about. Spontaneity, with a little guidance, is a life-saver!

If you were to tell a friend about The Activity Room, what would you say to them?

One of the best decisions I’ve made! The Activity Room isn’t just a database of activities for you to do with your kids, but an incredible support system of parents.

If you want to join The Activity Room and learn more about it click here!

Share your favorite quote

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ― Marianne Williamson

DIY Winnie the Pooh’s Honey Bee Scavenger Hunt:

It’s National Winnie the Pooh Day on January 18th and we’re celebrating by doing a bee hunt activity!

Find the bees and fly them home to their beehive so they can make Winnie the Pooh’s favorite treat: honey.

Grab a Winnie the Pooh book, some pipe cleaners and your kids! It’s time to do a super simple honey bee scavenger hunt and get moving together!

Supplies Needed to Create Your Own Winnie the Pooh Bee Hunt Activity:

  • black & yellow pipe cleaners
  • pencil
  • beehive (yellow bowl or container)

How to Set Up Your Winnie the Pooh Bee Hunt Activity:

Twist a black & yellow pipe cleaner together at both ends so they stay connected.

Grab a Winnie the Pooh book, some pipe cleaners and your kids! It’s time to do a super simple honey bee scavenger hunt and get moving together!

Wrap the pipe cleaners around a pencil, finger, wooden dowel, etc and slide off to create honeybees!

You can do this ahead of time or have your kids help.

Wrapping proved to be a bit of a challenge for my littles (4 & 2), so I opted to make most of the bees myself.

I think it was good for them to try, though, and they were proud of their bees.

Grab a Winnie the Pooh book, some pipe cleaners and your kids! It’s time to do a super simple honey bee scavenger hunt and get moving together!

Note: For smaller bees use a pencil, for larger bees use your finger or something with a larger circumference.

You can also cut the pipe cleaners in half to make even smaller bees.

Mold your bees to create a desired look and then hide them around a chosen space.

Cute and simple! This low-prep Winnie the Pooh scavenger hunt activity only requires pipe cleaners for some simple indoor gross motor fun.

Winnie the Pooh Bee Hunt Activity Time

Identify your yellow bowl as the “beehive” and set in a visible, central location.

As the bees are found, fly them to the bowl.

Buzzing recommended!

Some of my kids wanted a turn hiding the bees!

So they took turns hiding them and then everyone had a great time finding them for Winnie the Pooh.

Cute and simple! This low-prep Winnie the Pooh scavenger hunt activity only requires pipe cleaners for some simple indoor gross motor fun.

Continue the activity until all bees are found and then either repeat, or go eat some honey (like Winnie the Pooh would do).

My kids particularly loved buzzing around the room with the bees versus flying them to the beehive.

I was surprised how tricky some of the bees seemed to be for the kids to find.

Especially when I tried to hide them in plain sight.

Toddlers and preschoolers will love searching for bees around the house and making them too in this easy Winnie the Pooh activity!

The colors really blend in well with furniture!

So, we played some “hot & cold” along with our searching.

Toddlers and preschoolers will love searching for bees around the house and making them too in this easy Winnie the Pooh activity!

My favorite part about doing this activity together was it kicked off our day of Winnie the Pooh celebrating (I love random holidays and celebrating them with my family!).

After the bee hunt activity, we made a snack with honey, read some Winnie the Pooh stories, and then watched a classic Pooh cartoon.

Super simple low-prep and mess free bee hunt activity that’s perfect to celebrate National Winnie the Pooh Day on Jan 18! Or anytime.

Great day full of great memories!

Some final thoughts from Natalie

I’m a frugal person not prone to spending in excess. This group membership and support is NOT excess! It’s been a lifesaver, a joy, inspiration, encouragement, and such a blessing to me and my family. Plus it’s just plain fun to live life one activity to another!

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