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Enjoy Simple Winter Fun Inside with Easy DIY Homemade Snow

Click here to read Enjoy Simple Winter Fun Inside with Easy DIY Homemade Snow on Hands On As We Grow®

Play in the snow, even if there’s none on the ground, with DIY homemade snow from our Member of the Month, Ashley! Your preschooler will love this fun winter activity.

What mom hasn’t endlessly scrolled through Pinterest looking for hands-on activities? Our Member of the Month, Ashley, certainly spent her fair share of time seeking out easy ideas to do with her kids.

“Before The Activity Room, I didn’t really do activities with my son,” explains Ashley. “We would play in other ways.”

There was a huge fear of failure for Ashley. She was worried that her son wouldn’t enjoy the activities she’d planned or that they just wouldn’t work.

“I felt just overwhelmed with all the ideas on Pinterest,” she says. “It felt like there was just too much set up and time involved in that. I didn’t want to go through it just to have my son walk away, like ‘This isn’t fun.'”

Then she found The Activity Room®!

Make easy peasy homemade snow with a fun winter activity idea from our ROOM Member of the Month, Ashley!

Now, she’s able to be effortlessly hands-on with her two little ones, ages three years and 11 months.

In the time that Ashley and her kids have been in The Activity Room®, they’ve enjoyed exploring and learning together. That’s what this great parent community is all about!

The Activity Room® is for any parents with young children,” Ashley says. “It allows us to create memories and have fun!”

One of Ashley’s favorite parts of The Activity Room® is that learning is literally built-in to each activity. No worksheets or drills, just fun ways to explore our busy world.

“They learn through play,” she explains. “I love to see the world through their eyes.”

Let’s Meet Ashley!

Our Member of the Month, Ashley, shares how The Activity Room has changed how she plays with her kids!

How many kids do you have and how old are they?

I have two kids ages 3 and 11 months

How long have you been in The Activity Room®?

About 6 months

What is your favorite activity you’ve done in The Activity Room®?

Our absolute favorite was making homemade snow and play dough and the flashlight game.

What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids when you get a few moments?

Playing with them! I love to see the world through their eyes.

What’s your best tip for doing activities with your kids?

Print out the calendar and choose at least three activities and the time of day you will do them.

If you were to tell a friend about The Activity Room®, what would you say to them?

The Activity Room® is the best way to connect and play with my children. Hands down the best purchase I have made.

Before The Activity Room®, I would spend a lot of time on Pinterest finding activities to do and end up not doing them because it took too long to set up. I didn’t enjoy playing with my son because all we did is play with trucks.

Now with The Activity Room®, I enjoy playing with my kids! We have variety in what we can do! The Activities are child-led and it allows them to play and learn!

Share your favorite quote

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

Enjoy Simple Winter Fun Inside with Easy DIY Homemade Snow

We love to play in the snow, but there’s not always snow on the ground where we live. So I decided to bring that winter fun inside with an easy homemade snow recipe!

To make your own homemade snow, you’ll need:

  • baking soda
  • water
  • leak-proof container
Make easy peasy homemade snow with a fun winter activity idea from our ROOM Member of the Month, Ashley!

First, freeze your baking soda.

We stuck a box into the freezer the night before. If you’re more spontaneous, you could just keep a box of baking soda in your freezer for when the mood strikes.

Next, add a whole bunch of frozen baking soda into your leak-proof container. Slowly add very cold water to your baking soda and mix to combine.

You could add more or less water based on personal preference. We found that a 1:1 ratio was ideal, so you might want to measure your ingredients.

Then, you’re ready to play!

After our snow was made, I gave my son a few toy trucks and diggers. He loved zooming them around in the slushy snow!

Make easy peasy homemade snow with a fun winter activity idea from our ROOM Member of the Month, Ashley!

We also grabbed some smaller sand shovels and big spoons to scoop up the snow. My son loved making big snow piles and then squishing them flat!

You could also try adding a tad bit of vinegar. Watch the reaction between the vinegar and the baking soda make your snow fizz up!

Or you could spice things up and add an extra sensory factor with scented snow! Add in peppermint extract for winter holiday fun.

How do you make winter fun possible even when it’s not cold or snowy? We’d love to try some of your ideas!

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