Click here to read How Do You Begin Teaching Kids About Money? The Coin Toss Game! on Hands On As We Grow®
Set up this simple coin toss game that can help young kids with coin recognition.
Teaching kids about money can be fun while they’re learning.
I’d like to introduce you to a our contributor (okay, she’s not entirely new, she already shared 15 superhero activities for kids!), Jillian of Confidence Meets Parenting!
Jill is giving you an awesome game for teaching kids about money to help teach your younger kids about money!
The beginning of money recognition with coins and counting. Here’s Jill with her Coin Toss Game she did to help her daughter with coin recognition!
I always try to reinforce what the kids are learning at school by providing learning activities and books that match.
My daughter’s school is teaching the kids about money right now.

Teaching kids about money with a simple coin toss game:
This is a simple game for coin recognition!
All you need are coins (so go grab your coin jar!) and a hoop or something to use a target on the floor.
You could also simply tape a square on the floor for this, use a washcloth as the target.
I had my daughter sit back from the target a bit and toss the coins to try to hit the target one at a time.
She was little too close at first. Having her scoot back added a bit of a challenge and made it more fun for her.

Coin Toss Game for Younger Kids
For younger kids shout out the name of the coin as they make it in the target.
“In goes a quarter!”
“A dime has joined the ring!”
This begins their money learning by simply recognizing that the coins are different and they each have names.

Once you’ve thrown a few coins at the target, you can sort the coins that made it!
Don’t overcomplicate this.
Just talk about the size and colors of the coins.
What are the similarities and difference between them?
Again, this helps them recognize that the coins are different. They don’t need to know the values of them yet to begin with.

Coin Toss Game for Older Kids
With older kids that already understand that the coins have value and recognize the coins, you can turn this coin toss game up a notch!
Work together to add up the amount of change that made it inside the ring.
Show your kids different ways to make a dollar.
For kids who love writing (like mine) this is a great opportunity to practice writing out the amount in different ways.
You can take it one step further and talk about what you could buy with that amount.

More on teaching kids about money
This coin toss game is a great way to start a conversation about money no matter how old your kids are.
Even young kids can start to understand the difference between a need and a want.
There is nothing wrong with wanting things and understanding how to save for those wants will help kids learn about money.
If your kids have family responsibilities try helping them reach their savings goal by paying out for some chores on their chore lists.
Help kids understand tax and shipping by including them in the price of what they are saving for. We look online and head all the way to check out before making note of how much that item is.
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