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How to Make a Simple DIY Hand Drum Craft for Kids

Click here to read How to Make a Simple DIY Hand Drum Craft for Kids on Hands On As We Grow®

Make a DIY hand drum with this sensory craft activity from Francis!

My husband’s job often takes him to exciting places around the world. We’re always excited to hear his amazing stories when he comes back home.

diy simple hand drum craft for kids to make

The kids are especially excited to see if he brings back something for them too!

His most recent trip was to a small city in Rwanda, Africa. He brought back a hand drum that kids use a lot over there.

We used this Rwandan hand drum for our DIY inspiration!

The Rwandan drum was such a big hit that we decided to try making one for ourselves.

Our DIY hand drum craft turned out great!

If your kids love instruments, here are 4 instruments for them to make!

What We Used to Make Our DIY Hand Drum Craft:

Some items on this list can be easily substituted. Don’t be afraid to try it out with other things you may have at home!

Make a DIY hand drum with supplies around the house
  • Yarn
  • Beads
  • Decorative tape (like washi tape)(stickers and stamps would work great also!)
  • Sticky tape (like scotch or masking tape)
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard (we used a cereal box)
  • Single hole punch
Practice cutting skills when you make a DIY hand drum

How to Make a DIY Hand Drum Craft:

Use the long skinny side of the box. Cut the cardboard in half to make thinner strips.

If you’d prefer a thicker drum, you can leave the cardboard stips a little thicker.

Gently shape the strip into a circle and tape the ends to make your ring.

With one cereal box, you could make several drum crafts!

Melissa traced around the ring to make 2 circles on another piece of cardboard.

Cut out your circles.

This is a great time for older children to practice cutting skills.

Practice cutting and tracing skills with your DIY hand drum activity

You will need to make 3 holes on the ring: 2 on opposite sides of the ring and 1 on the bottom.

Our hole punch is very hard to use. Melissa and I did this part together.

Practice with the hole punch with this fun Find the Letter activity.

Making a DIY hand drum is great fine motor practice

Next, Melissa threaded one a piece yarn into each side hole of the ring.

Put one end into each of the holes that are opposite each other.

We used sticky tape to fasten the yarn inside the holes.

It’s important to leave your strings extra long since you still need to attach beads so that the drum craft will work.

Decorate your DIY hand drum using fun colored tape

Decorate with Beads and Tape

Melissa chose colorful tapes to decorate the drum’s sides.

Cover each side of the drum completely, tucking the end of the tape under.

This was her favorite part! She loves these tapes.

If you don’t have washi tape you could decorate your drum circles with stickers or stamps!

You could also choose to paint the drum craft.

But you may want to cover the art work with clear packing tape or contact paper to protect it from being scratched off with the beads.

These activities are great ways to learn indoors with tape!

After the circles were fully decorated, we placed them on either side of the ring.

Use sticky tape to hold them in place.

Melissa added 4 beads on each piece of yarn and I tied a double knot at the end.

Gently stretch out each piece of yarn just to make sure it’s long enough for the beads to reach to the middle of the drum!

Attach a handle to your DIY hand drum

Add a Handle to Your Drum Craft

After decorating your drum craft, the final step is to attach the pencil to be the handle.

Melissa selected a pink pencil, her favorite color.

The pencil was a perfect fit for the hole we had made.

You can use a sturdy straw or even a stick.

Your DIY hand drum will make for fun musical play

Twist the pencil in your hand for the beads to hit the drum and you’ll have a great DIY musical instrument!

My younger son loves this DIY hand drum craft, so we might be making another one very soon!

Download our FREE PDF Fun Crafts Week of Activities for Kids!

diy simple hand drum for kids to make

Have you ever made a DIY instrument with your kids?

We would just love to hear how you did it in the comments!

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