Click here to read Mortar and Pestle Montessori Sensory Activity to Crush & Grind on Hands On As We Grow®
Besides a great cooking utensil, a mortar and pestle turned out to be a fun Montessori activity and experimenting tool!
Do you have a mortar and pestle lying in your kitchen?

Here are 30 Oh-So-Cool Science Experiments for Preschoolers to Try!
This activity is great to spice up kids curiosity, and at the same time stimulate their sense of smell and taste.
Oh, and all the crushing and pounding was an added gross motor bonus!
Here is a list of the materials we used, but feel free to try anything you have at home or even in nature!

Materials Used for Mortar and Pestle Montessori Sensory Activity:
- Mortar and Pestle
- Seeds: Mustard and poppy
- Herbs: Basil, oregano and mint
- Nuts: Almonds and walnuts
- White rice
- Leaves from our garden
- Flower petals
- Small dishes or cupcake liners
We made a quick trip to the garden to collect our petals and some leaves we thought might be interesting to crush.

After gathering all the sensory ingredients for the mortar and pestle it was time to begin our montessori experiment.
Start Crushing, Pounding, and Exploring
Melissa chose to crush the mustard seeds first.
It was amazing how she didn’t need any help on how to pound!
She cracked open the mustard seeds, stopping every now and then to smell them.
And, she liked the smell!
She did taste some, but I don’t think she’ll be repeating that one!

We would clean the mortar and pestle between each new sensory ingredient we tested with our Montessori activity.
We checked if the smell had changed, which ones crushed easier, tasting our edible ones too.
34 Edible Sensory Play Ideas For Kids That Put Everything in Their Mouth

The flower petals were a nice surprise!
They became a red juicy pulp which Melissa decided to call tomato sauce.
But no tasting here, only smelling, of course!

Melissa’s favorites were the mint and the almonds.
We absolutely loved our little montessori sensory experiment with the mortar and pestle!
What did your kids like best in this mortar and pestle montessori idea?

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