Click here to read 6 Things to Do With Goldfish Crackers: Activities to Cure “I’m Bored” on Hands On As We Grow®
Cure those boredom blues with these six fun things to do with Goldfish crackers – a total pantry staple!
“I’m bored.” “Mom…this is boring.”
These have become common phrases lately in our home. I’m welcoming them because being bored is definitely something kids need to learn to be.
Being bored can lead to some pretty awesome things, so don’t get me wrong, being bored can be a really good thing.
So you have these Goldfish crackers… and sure the kids love to eat them… but what can you do with them?
What to Do with Goldfish Crackers: 6 Activities!
But sometimes… we need to cure the boring times with some quick, fun things to do!
You may also love our 15 simplest activities yet!

What better than using something almost every parent has: cheesy fish crackers.
I’m so excited to share these little moments of fun! They’ll surely bring some big smiles and laughter.
6 Boredom Busting Activities to Do with Some Goldfish Crackers
Some easy things to do with Goldfish crackers that you have on hand, and maybe have a snitch here and there for a quick snack.
1. Blow Your Crackers.
Set the kids up to blow Goldfish crackers back and forth across a table or other surface. They can do it with or without a straw.
Split up the pot of crackers between the kids and blow them across the table to see who can get them all to the other side first. Make it interesting with a line of tape across the middle.
Only one kid? Make it a competition to see what’s the furthest he can blow in one puff.
Get your FREE download of a week of activities for your preschooler here.

2. Transfer Your Crackers.
Put a handful of Goldfish crackers in a cup. Place an empty cup next to it with a straw.
Challenge the kids to transfer the Goldfish to the empty cup without touching the cup or the crackers with their hands.
Can you move them all to the empty cup?
Note: This is actually really tough to do. Try it with the kids!

3. Set Up a “Hockey” Goal.
Set up a game of hockey, or another type of goal at the end of the table. You could even set up multiple goals with different values (target practice).
Shoot the Goldfish crackers across the table to score. Use a straw or fingers to flick them.

4. Count Your Crackers.
Have your kids count the Goldfish crackers, over and over again.
Hand five crackers to younger children and have them count to 5, or 10. Or however far they can count.
Older kids can group them in groups of five or tens and count them by 5s or 10s.

Do you have colored Goldfish crackers?
There’s even more you can do when you have the rainbow-colored Goldfish crackers on hand!
5. Graph Your Crackers.
And see which color has the most! Or simply sort them by color and count.
See also: Sort and Graph Blocks
6. Make Patterns
Start a couple yourself and have your child finish them. Then have him start a pattern for you to finish.
So much fun you can have with these simple crackers… and so much learning snuck in… hands-on and all fun though.
Can’t help but sneak a couple for a snack while you’re playing!
Of course, you can always go the traditional route and make some recipes with Goldfish crackers too (Check out that link from Mamanista), if food it more your thing… but we like to have fun!

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