Click here to read Simple Art Prompt: Drawing on the Table on Hands On As We Grow®
What I am absolutely loving about the #EveryKidEveryDay challenge of spending one-on-one time with each kid, every day, is that its reminding of the simple pleasures of being a hands on mom.
Not everything needs to be planned out, prepped and all fancy-schmancy.

I know this. I try to tell all of you to do the same. Simple is better.
It’s the funnest for the kids.
Easiest on us as parents.
And gives you time to enjoy the time instead of running around like a mad-woman making sure the activity goes ‘right’, whatever that means.
But I stray from that simplicity a lot, because well, every idea has been done already, and with a blog about kids activities, I sometimes feel like I can’t do the simple things because they’ve ‘already been done’ and I always feel the need to ‘put a spin’ on the simple activities to make it something new and different.
So, I’m backing up and just looking to come up with fun ideas to do, that are simple and easy to do at a moment’s notice, because well, that’s what works best for me.
I can only assume that’s what works best for most busy moms with kids at home.
Am I right?
The boys absolutely loved this drawing activity and about cried when I cleaned it up two days later.
All I did was tape some paper onto the coffee table to make a drawing surface.

I just used our butcher paper and taped two lengths across the table.
With Louis around, I decided to tape around the edges too so it wouldn’t easily be ripped off by curious hands.

All it took were some colored pencils and markers and the boys were occupied and creative for the day.
For some reason we really got into drawing birthday cakes.
I’d draw the cake for them and they’d decorate it however they pleased.
Lots of stripes were used.
(I wouldn’t want to actually decorate one with so many stripes, it would be hard!)

George and Louis drew side by side. Louis mostly just scribbled a little.
Henry drew too, but I didn’t get any photos of him.
He was proud of all his drawings and circled them all and wrote his name by all of them, to make sure we knew.
We even ended up layering on more paper to keep it going.

Such a simple activity to do, but yet so fulfilling in every way.
Everything I look for in an activity.
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