Click here to read Super Simple Color Ball Matching Game for Kids on Hands On As We Grow®
A quick and low prep fine motor activity to teach colors using ball pit balls in a balancing and color matching game for kids of all ages!
Young children love to explore with colors. They are fascinating and exciting. We have lots of amazing color activities you can do with your kids. The possibilities are endless!
Ball and Toilet Roll Color Matching Game

I have collected so many paper rolls, that my stash was overflowing.
I knew that I needed to come up with some sort activity that would make use of a bunch of them.
So there I was, wracking my brain trying to come up with something when I noticed that our ball pit balls were still out from another activity that we had done.
I instantly had a brain wave.
Why not create a simple ball balancing color matching game.
To create your own ball and toilet roll color matching game you will need:
- ball pit balls
- paper rolls
- dot stickers (colors that match the balls you have)

First, place a dot sticker on each of the paper rolls.
Use colors that match the color of balls you have.

I made one long and two short paper rolls for each color of ball I had.
And voila…you’ve prepped your color ball matching game!
Have your child balance a ball on top of the color matching paper roll.
Balance and building is amazing for critical thinking skills.

My daughter quickly found out that if she didn’t spread out the paper rolls enough that she would bump them and they would topple over.

However, that didn’t stop her. She thought it was funny!
Once my daughter had matched all the paper rolls up with the color balls she had a huge sense of accomplishment.
Look at that smile…she was so excited!

However, the color matching ball game didn’t stop there.
She was so enthralled that she wanted to do more.
She grabbed more balls and paper rolls and started building what she called “a fort”.
This actually took her a while to complete her “fort” because every time she thought she was done, she realized she couldn’t fit into it.
She kept saying, “The circle needs to be bigger, Mom!”

Critical thinking at its finest!
She persevered and finally completed her “fort”.
Wow, was she ever excited!
I was so proud of her.

This color ball matching game was super simple to prep and my daughter played with it for about an hour.
Definitely an activity win!
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