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Quick Games to Play with Stuffed Animals

Click here to read Quick Games to Play with Stuffed Animals on Hands On As We Grow®

Stuffed animals aren’t just to collect and sleep with! These are some fun games to play with stuffed animals and other soft toys you have lying around (even balled up sock or bean bags work for these).

If your kids are anything like mine, they have an over abundance of stuffed animals.

Whenever we go somewhere and they get to choose a souvenir, and what do they choose… another stuffed animal.

So many stuffies and not much to do with them.

This is why I’ve come up with 3 quick activities your kids can do with all those stuffed animals or other soft toys. Really, whether you have teddy bears, lovies, stuffies, or you can use bean bags, balled up socks, or sponges, for example! Any soft toy or item will work for these stuffed animal games.

On the other hand, this really cute Bear Hunt Scavenger Hunt, is also a lot of fun!

What can you play with stuffed animals?

These 3 activities are quick and easy to put together with any stuffed animals or soft toys you have lying around.

These are all great activities to get energy out and do indoors since stuffed animals are soft.

In other words, break these out in the cold winter months, on a rainy day, or when it’s too hot to play outside. Or just any day you’re looking for something quick and easy to do.

Stuffed Animal Game 1: Feet Toss

For this game, you will need stuffed animals and a laundry hamper. That’s it!

Stuffed Animal Game 1: Feet Toss - Transfer soft toys from floor over your body and into the laundry hamper.

Have your child lie on their back with a pile of stuffed animals at their feet.

Place a laundry hamper near their head.

Next, have your child pick up one soft stuffed animal at a time with their feet and place it into the laundry hamper over their head.

After that, just keep repeating until all the stuffed animals have been transferred into the laundry basket!

This is quite a workout and tons of fun!

My daughter giggled quite a bit on this one. Especially when the stuffed animals went flying!

Check out this bouncy ball throwing activity that also uses a laundry hamper.

Transfer soft toys (teddy bears or other stuffed animals work great) from the floor over your body and into the laundry hamper.

Stuffed Animal Game 2: Target Toss

For this activity, you will need a hula hoop and a laundry hamper/bin.

In a doorway in your home, suspend a hula hoop using string and painters tape.

Toss soft toys from one side through the hula hoop and into a laundry basket!

Place a laundry hamper on one side of the the hula hoop and a pile a stuffed animals on the other side.

Have you child throw their stuffed animals through the hula hoop and into the laundry hamper.

For younger children, you may want to eliminate the laundry hamper.

Both of my girls loved this one! They spent about 30 mins throwing all of our stuffed animals, teddy bears and other soft toys through the target.

Stuffed Animal Game 2: Target Toss - hang a hula hoop in a doorway or hallway, toss soft toys from one side through the hula hoop and into a laundry basket! Can you hit the target?

At times, the hula hoop would spin around which would provide an added challenge them.

Toss soft toys from one side through the hula hoop and into a laundry basket! Can you time it right with a spinning hula hoop?

Stuffed Animal Game 3: Tummy Toss

For this game to play with stuffed animals, you need all the soft toys you have and large area, such as your living room!

Move your coffee table away from the the couch and then have your child lie on it, or turn dining room chairs sideways and lie on those.

Yep, you heard me correctly! Have them lie on it.

You should have seen my girls faces when I told them to do that.

They were absolutely shocked as I am normally telling them to stay off the coffee table.

Just this alone had the girls intrigued as to what we might be doing.

Stuffed Animal Game 3: Tummy Toss - lie down on a table or chair with a basket of soft toys in front of you, toss a stuffed animal to a target, such as the couch.

Place a pile of stuffed animals on the floor or in a laundry hamper in front of them.

Then have your child throw the stuffed animals to the couch.

This was actually a lot trickier than I expected! Throwing while lying on your stomach is difficult.

Toss a stuffed animal to a target, such as the couch while lying town on your tummy.

I actually had to move the coffee table a little closer for them.

However, even though this was a bit of a challenge my girls still loved it.

They did it multiple times! Back and forth they went!

Now, in our house, stuffed animals aren’t just to cuddle with. There are lots of games to play with stuffed animals!

Why not! It’s so much fun!

What games have you played with soft toys?

Share your ideas with us. We’d love to hear them.

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