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Grab straws, pom poms and painters tape and get ready to burn some energy indoors with this easy blowing pom pom race activity for toddlers.

When we’re stuck indoors because of the cold and snow, my boys become anxious to get moving and burn off some energy.
Any kind of racing activity is perfect!
I set up a quick racetrack using tape on our floor.
I had the boys race around it with their trucks, themselves and even by blowing pom poms around the track!
What You Need to Set Up Your Own Blowing with Straws Racing Activity for Toddlers:
- painter’s tape
- a pom pom or cotton ball for each kid
- a straw for each kid
How Do You Make This Straw Activity for Toddlers?
Start by taping a large rectangle (or oval) as big as your space allows.
Tape another rectangle inside that one, making it small enough to have a good sized track between the two (I left about a foot and a half).
Next, tape diagonals across the middle section that isn’t part of the track so there’s no confusion.
Then tape a ‘dotted’ start/finish line across the track.

Race Around the Track!
Set the kids up at the starting line with their straws and pom poms.
Let them practice blowing a few times to get the hang of it.
Blowing through straws is such a simple activity idea but helps encourage fine motor skills in toddlers.
If you only have one child or want to try a simple target practice with pom poms check this out.

The rules of our blowing with straws and pom poms toddler activity:
Note: these rules can be broken by younger kids.
- The first to make it around the track and back to the start/finish line is the winner.
- If you blow your pom pom outside of the track, you’ll need to start back at the beginning.
- Optional: We had a baby to dodge. An additional rule was if he grabbed/touched the pom pom, you’ll need to start back at the beginning as well (this added lots of giggles trying to hide the pom pom from him).

My young preschooler got many exceptions to the rules. But he really took his time racing around the track with his straw.
He blew the pom pom only an inch or so at a time.
Blowing through a straw in an activity takes practice, especially for toddlers.
But after a few practice runs and cheers from mom or dad, toddlers can definitely get the hang of it!
My kindergartner, on the other hand, was in a rush and blew the pom pom far with his straw each time.
He often ended up outside the track when he tried to go around the corner.
My preschooler ended up ‘winning’ the race and my kindergartner was very upset.
Our blowing with straws activity was very much the tortoise and the hare story.
We sure had a lot of fun with this game together!
I ended up racing with straws against my kindergartner then.
Let me tell you, this is actually a tough racing activity! (Or maybe I’m just getting too old to be crawling around on my knees for that long…)
He ended up beating me fair and square.
Go ahead! Give this blowing with straws and pom poms activity a try at home with your toddlers and preschoolers!
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