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Sticker Christmas Tree Craft for Kids

Click here to read Sticker Christmas Tree Craft for Kids on Hands On As We Grow®

This is a fun sticker Christmas tree craft for kids that my kids have done in the past leading up to Christmas. And once again this year, we did it again!

It’s simple but also great for fine motor skills! Really anything with stickers is! So let the kids have them!

I have a thing where I think they’re just going to waste stickers all the time, so I never let them use them… Then I realize how many stickers I really do have and they’ll never get used up! Such a vicious cycle.

Want more Christmas tree crafts for the kids? I have plenty of ideas!

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree craft

I cut out a Christmas tree out of green cardstock paper and glued it onto a red piece of cardstock (affiliate links) . I did this three times since all three kids were around (and bored) during Thanksgiving break.

By the way… what can kids do on Thanksgiving? Have a plan.

I also had some brown scraps of paper I glued on as a trunk.

If you don’t have brown paper though, you can just draw on a trunk. Or use any color paper you like really, it doesn’t have to be perfect!

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree craft

Draw a quick zig zag garland on the tree.

Tip: Make the garland lines closer together (so that there’s more of them) for older kids. And draw them further apart (so that there’s fewer of them) for younger kids.

This time when we did the sticker Christmas tree craft, I didn’t have Christmas stickers for the kids. But that’s okay and it doesn’t really matter!

I did have a packet of these little circle stickers in a variety of designs (affiliate link). I gave each of the kids a full sheet of these circle stickers.

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree craft

When the kids sat down to put the stickers on the garland, they asked how to do it.

It was completely up to them how they put the stickers on. I said they could follow the lines of the garland with the stickers however they wanted.

And I suggested to make a pattern if they wanted it to be more difficult.

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree craft

None of them opted to make a pattern. That’s okay, that’s not what it was about. I like this activity more for the fine motor skills of the sticker use.

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree craft

George did go in order on his sticker sheet though, one row at a time. Which made a cool design.

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree craft

George whipped through his Christmas tree fast. We had family stopping by soon, so he wanted to get done! Henry was distracted and never did finish his.

But Louis…

Louis kept at his, until every line was covered. One by one he put those stickers on. Keeping busy for a long time!

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree craft

I was quite impressed. I thought for sure when the other boys were done, he would stop. But he wanted to finish his Christmas tree!

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree craft

Last time we did the Sticker Christmas Tree Craft for Kids

Last time, we used some Christmas stickers to decorate Christmas trees!

I cut two Christmas trees our of green scrapbook paper and glued it onto a red piece of scrapbook paper. I just used a marker quick to make the tree trunk, but could have used scrap paper instead.

Sticker Christmas tree craft setup for kids

Then the boys just decorated the trees, however they liked!

I drew lines for garland on Henry’s tree to give him a little bit of a challenge.

Follow the lines of garland on the Christmas tree

He followed along the lines with the stickers the whole way from the top to the bottom.

Stickers for fine motor to make a Christmas tree craft!

Fine motor sticker Christmas tree craft for kids

I left George’s blank for him to decide where to put the stickers.

Simple sticker Christmas tree craft for kids

They both had a great time decorating their Christmas tree craft! We then hung them up for the holiday season.

Sticker Christmas tree craft for kids

More super simple Christmas crafts like this one can be found in the 25 easy Christmas crafts for kids. Which one will you do today?

Be sure to make an ornament for the tree this year too!

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