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These are my life savers! Quick toddler activities that I can do in a moment’s notice, with no setup and no prep, that truly keep my kids busy when I need a moment to myself.

There are so many times when I find an activity to do with the kids and then realize that I need to spend a half hour to an hour prepping for it. I’m printing out stuff or doing something that requires me to get it ready before they can even do that activity.
And it’s probably only going to last 10 to 15 minutes anyway.
Sometimes, I need no prep activities to do when I need the kids to be busy for a while.
Quick Toddler Activities That Require No Prep
What I mean by “no prep” is that it doesn’t require you to do something to set up for the activity. Yes, you will still need to actually get the items…but that’s it.
Most toddler activities I do require very little setup. Actually, this is true for most activities in general.
I’m not much for prepping for an activity. I may plan for the activity using the kid’s activities planner.
But I don’t actually like to have to get the activity ready before I get the kids involved.

What activities can you do at home with a toddler?
The options for toddler activities at home are endless. You can do anything from learning, fine motor, sensory, gross motor, arts & crafts to just plain simple and quick fun!
Here are a few activity ideas I collected that we do at home with my toddler that require absolutely no prep. Just you getting the materials to the kids. Not doing anything with the materials ahead of time.
I geared these toward toddlers since toddlers really seem to have the short attention span that requires us to get that activity ready, and now.
But don’t limit them just to toddlers, preschoolers will enjoy a bunch of these too!
Try these super quick toddler activities that need almost zero prep!
- Kids have the blocks out? Hand them tongs to pick them up. So simple and fun. Plus great fine motor practice.
- Sorting. Get out buttons and cups. Ask them to sort them. It could be by color or size… or ones with two holes or four holes! See what they come up with. They could also sort blocks by color or size. Or really anything! Take a look at the toy box!
- A tub of water goes a long way. They could wash their toys, just transfer water (a favorite here!) or have an experiment with some toys and see which ones sink or float! Lay down a shower curtain if you want to prevent spills indoors. Or take it outside!
- Simple Scavenger Hunt: Simply hand your kids a bag and call out an object or describe an object and send them off to find it. It’s a perfect activity while you’re getting supper ready. This one is great indoors and outdoors with nature items also. So fun.
- Sensory activities include very little prep, just getting the materials in a tub or tray… Try corn meal, dry pasta, lotion even!
- Cardboard boxes. Enough said? Let their imaginations go and see what they make that box be. Maybe its a train? or an airplane? or a house! Who knows!? Easiest no prep activity for any toddler!
- Dominoes. They can just line them up and play, or match up the dots.
- Pots and pans.
- Match lids and containers.
- Set them up with rubberbands and canned food. Another fine motor fun favorite here.
- Set out a colander with some pipe cleaners. Pretty easy!
- As long as you have the play dough on hand, or made ahead of time, it’s a no prep activity. Add trucks and tractors to it, or hammering tees or set out other objects to stick into it! Kitchen utensils are an easy one and make all kinds of fun patterns and shapes. Whisks, potato mashers, garlic press are a great start.
Any of the quiet activities I recently shared would be great too! They may be better for older kids, or with a little guidance from a parent.

Many simple activities similar to these can also be found in The Toddler’s Busy Book by Trish Kuffner (affiliate link).
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