Click here to read Spring Pipe Cleaner Flower Craft for Kids on Hands On As We Grow®
Spring is here and flowers are blooming! This simple pipe cleaner flower craft for kids from Brigitte, is perfect for this time of the year.
I got the idea for this project while organizing my craft supplies.
Somehow seeing Styrofoam balls and pipe cleaners next to each other made me think of flowers.
I gathered the following supplies.
To make your own pipe cleaner flowers with your kids
You’ll need these supplies (linked supplies are affiliate links):
- Styrofoam balls* (you’ll need one for each flower – ours were 2.5 inches wide)
- craft sticks (one for each flower)
- scissors
- pipe cleaners
- sunflower seeds
- foam cup
Then, I had my kids to make pipe cleaner flowers using the supplies.
My daughters surprised me by making our spring flowers with two different techniques.
How We Made Our Pipe Cleaner Flowers
Both of the kids started by poking a craft stick about half way into the Styrofoam ball.

Spring Flower Craft Petal Technique One
One of my daughters chose to use pink pipe cleaners.
She cut them each about 4.5 inches long.
Then, she inserted each side of the pipe cleaner into the Styrofoam ball to make a very simple flower petal.

She continued going all the way around the Styrofoam ball with the pipe cleaners.
It looks like how you would draw a flower on a piece of paper, but with pipe cleaners! Super cute and simple.

However, it’s all about the process and she decided it was too plain.
She cut more pipe cleaners that were a little shorter to add a second layer of flower petals in front of the first petals.

Spring Flower Craft Petal Technique Two
My other daughter chose to create her flower with orange pipe cleaners.
She saw the technique her sister used, but, of course, wanted hers to be different.
She cut a pipe cleaner in half and then rolled it onto itself like a snail shell.

With the pipe cleaner rolled up, she inserted the exposed end into the foam ball.
She also did a U shaped pipe cleaner for comparison.

She decided she liked the rolled pipe cleaner petals better.
She continued rolling and adding pipe cleaner petals into the Styrofoam ball flower center.
This pipe cleaner flower started to look a lot like a lion, doesn’t it?

As a finishing touch, we decided to add sunflower seeds to the center of our pipe cleaner flowers!
You could also choose to glue sequins or buttons, or some other craft items instead of the sunflower seeds. It’s totally up to you! I really think sequins would be fun.
They each stuck sunflower seeds into the center of their flowers, poking into the foam balls.
They each tried different techniques, again. One daughter started in the center.

My other daughter started on the outer edge close to the petals.

Once they were finished with the sunflower seeds, they stuck the craft stick into a foam cup to be it’s pot!
Aren’t the pipe cleaner flowers super cute?

Check out the crafts below for even more fun with flowers!
Learn more with these 14 children’s books about seeds, plants, and gardening.
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