Click here to read A Week of Activities to Learn A Number on Hands On As We Grow®
Learning numbers is tricky! I’ve created a week of activities to help a preschooler learn a number – any number!
Counting is one thing and often comes before recognizing numbers (at least in my kids’ case!). And those darn teens are super hard for kids to keep straight.
Just like we can use activities to learn any letter, you can do the same to learn any number. Just substitute a number that’s giving your child troubles and plug it in to these activities.

Of course, do these activities over and over with other numbers they are familiar with so that it builds their confidence.
Here are some more ways to build confidence in kids.
Some of these activities focus on counting, and that’s just fine. It’s the part where you write the number as well so they can make the connection that the counted number means the same as the written number.
How to plan weekly activities for your kids:
First, let’s give you a little background on how I plan a week of activities for my own kids.
I start with gauging what my child is interested in (using the “My Child This Week” sheet of the free weekly planner). I fill one out for each of my kids and what they’re into at the moment. I use this as my guide to plan our activities accordingly.
Here’s where you can download the free activity planner.
With each of my kids’ interests, I brainstorm seven activities to do that week. I jot them down on the simple ‘Activities To Do This Week’ planner.
As for this week of activities to learn a number, it could be any of our number learning activities.
But for this one in particular, I wanted the ability to be able to focus on just one number at a time.
Here’s this week’s activities to learn any number:

Monday: Bean Bag Number Toss
Write one number on each piece of paper and tape to a step on the stairs. Call out a number and try to toss the bean bag onto the step that has the matching number. Or reverse it and toss the bean bag and then call out the number it lands on!
Supplies needed:
- paper
- marker
- bean bags or balled up socks
Find details: Bean Bag Number Toss
Tuesday: Follow the Number Maze
Make a path of a certain number on a long sheet of paper. Fill in a grid around it with other random numbers. Follow the number from beginning to end.
Supplies needed:
- butcher or art paper
- marker or tape
Find details: Can you Follow the Number from Start to Finish??
Wednesday: Match The Numbers Obstacle Course
String yarn through the legs of a hallway of chairs, low to the ground. Clip matching numbers of playing cards throughout the string. Climb through the string obstacle course to find the matching numbers.
Supplies needed:
- yarn
- clothespins
- playing cards (or numbers written on paper)
Find details: Obstacle Course to Find Matching Numbers
Thursday: Number Scavenger Hunt
Go on a hunt to find pre-hidden numbers around the house. Write the corresponding number (or draw the corresponding number of dots) on a piece of paper to match the found numbers too.
Supplies needed:
- foam numbers (or numbers written on paper)
- paper
- marker
Find details: Letter & Number Scavenger Hunt
Friday: Number Card Slap
Tape one of each number card from a deck of cards to a wall (remove J, Q, K, A). Put tape on the rest of the number cards. Set out to find matches to the numbers on the wall.
Supplies needed:
- deck of cards (or numbers written on paper)
- tape
Find details: Number Card Slap
Saturday: I Spy Counting Sensory Bin
Make a sensory bin with cereal and hide several objects in it. Create a legend to find a certain number of each object
Supplies needed:
- tub
- cereal
- several small objects
- marker
- paper
Find details: I Spy Counting Sensory Bin
Sunday: Learning Obstacle Course
Write letters on sticky notes and place them around the house (under and on top of the dining room table and chairs works great). Name a letter then stomp it! Repeat!
Supplies needed:
- sticky notes
- markers
Find details: Learning Obstacle Course

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