Click here to read 2 Robot Crafts Your Kids Will Beg to Make! on Hands On As We Grow®
These robot crafts are so cute and fun! Buy the kits or DIY them yourself at home with your preschoolers for loads of creative fun.

Knowing what to get my nieces and nephews for Christmas gets harder and harder every year.
If only there were a magical gift for the kid that has too many toys…
I am so excited to share with you, the perfect Christmas gift and also very excited to be working with Green Kid Crafts this holiday season!
Green Kid Crafts sent us three of their Discovery Boxes to check out. Wow. I was impressed.

They couldn’t have come at a better time, we were heading into a looooong 4-day weekend. And these boxes came to the rescue, thoroughly entertaining all three of my kids.
I want to share the Discovery Box that Henry immersed himself in.
The Robot Workshop
Inside the box, Henry opened it up to find a card of what he’s going to make with the box. And below that were several bags of goodies. Inside each bag was a different craft, or activity, for him to do. They were all within the theme of Robots.

The craft that grabbed Henry’s attention first was the GlideBot, or what I think of as an upcycled robot.
Upcycled Robot Craft
Henry got right to work finding a box to cut pieces of cardboard out of to make his robot.
This is where he could get creative as he wanted. Drawing the legs, arms, body and head and then cutting them out.
But cardboard is hard to cut. By the time he cut the legs and body, his hands needed a break, so I helped him cut out the head and arms.

Then he poked the gold brad fasteners (affiliate link, they were provided in the Discovery Box) in the joints of the robot. He poked through just one piece of cardboard at a time (it gets tough to go through two layers).

And then came the fun part, he could decorate the robot however he liked.
This is where you could go crazy with your imagination! Bring out the paints, markers, crayons and glitter!
But, Henry fell in love with the robot stickers that came in the Discovery Box. He used those to add nuts and bolts to his upcycled robot craft.

Once decorated, flip it over and make a way to hang your robot!
Clip a couple sections of straw and tape it on the back of the robot. Thread the string through and knot it off (tie around a bead, so the knot doesn’t slide through the straw).
And hang in the window!

Artbot Activity
This one has been so exciting for Henry.
He didn’t know what he was making during it… so he was confused during the creation. But days later, and this Artbot is still a topic of conversation!

It is so simple to make too!
Decorate a plastic cup to look like a robot (so the the top of the cup is down). Henry’s was as simple as gluing some eyes to it.

Take the plastic cup and tape three markers to it (like a tripod).
The cup should sit upside down and the markers should point down, to the tips just surpass the edge of the cup.
I first made the mistake of having too much of the tip over the edge of the cup and had to readjust them.

Create a ‘pen’ for the Artbot. Use a small box and put a piece of paper in the bottom.
Place the cup in the box so that the points of the markers are touching the paper in the box (the cup uses the markers as its legs).
Turn on a HexBug (affiliate link, its included in the Discovery Box) and slip it underneath the cup.

And watch the creations it makes!

Fun with more Green Kid Crafts Discovery Boxes
George had so much fun learning about Nocturnal Animals. He made a glow in the dark Owl, shadow puppets and a lantern!

Each activity in the Discovery Box came complete with everything needed. (Minus a scissors or common things you’d definitely have in your home).

Louis has been creating homemade gifts for the family!
He painted a picture frame! George ended up painting some of his paper mache ornaments for the holidays.

It has created several days of crafting and learning fun. With very little effort on my part.
And now, gift giving this holiday season has become a lot easier.
Win a Green Kid Crafts 12-month subscription!
Green Kid Crafts is giving away a 12-month subscription.
The winner will receive a different Discovery Box each month! Each one is jam-packed with between 5-8 activity kits just like this Robot Workshop!
Winners will be picked by random drawing on November 21, 2015.
The Official Rules are available here.

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