Click here to read Easy Edible Sand Castle with Brown Sugar for Indoor Beach Fun on Hands On As We Grow®
When something forces you to change your beach plans, use this easy edible brown sugar sand castle tutorial to make your own indoor beach fun!
Have you ever planned a trip to the beach with your kids, but the weather forced you to change stay indoors? Thankfully, some outdoor activities can also be done inside with a little creativity.
It’s still too cold where I live to build sand castles at the beach. My daughters recently decided to build edible “sand castles” in the kitchen using brown sugar.
Not only is brown sugar moldable and edible, but it is also relatively inexpensive.
For more indoor “sandbox” fun, try a cornmeal treasure hunt or an oatmeal sandbox.

Edible Indoor Beach Fun with a Brown Sugar Sand Castle
To begin the indoor edible beach “sand castle” fun, I poured a bag of brown sugar into a large bowl.
Then I gave each of my daughters her own large cookie sheet, and set out a variety of measuring cups, measuring spoons, and craft sticks.

One of my daughters built an edible sand tower by sorting the sizes of the measuring cups. She packed each measuring cup with sugar and pressed it firmly.
She stacked each scoop of sugar into a single straight column from largest to smallest.

My other daughter did something similar, but she used more than one measuring cup scoop for each layer. Using more than one scoop per layer, she built her edible sand castle into a pyramid shape.
She even added a moat to the front of her castle using craft sticks.

One of my daughters also built a submarine to complete the indoor beach fun.

After they were done creating, I hid a couple of craft sticks on a cookie sheet covered with edible brown sugar sand. They searched frantically for the craft sticks to see who would find them first.
This did make more of a mess, but they seemed to have fun. And indoor beach fun was the goal.

If your beach plans get canceled, try making some beach crafts.
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