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Easy Learning Colors Game for Toddlers: Block Soup!

Click here to read Easy Learning Colors Game for Toddlers: Block Soup! on Hands On As We Grow®

Believe me when I tell you that this is as easy as it gets for a learning colors game for toddlers.

I’m here to tell you that blocks are not just for building, and they aren’t just for stepping on in every room of the house even though you are certain they were just cleaned up four minutes ago.

Blocks are also for learning colors!

This simple game for toddlers uses just blocks and some of your kitchen items. Easy!

toddlers can play BLOCK SOUP to learn colors - so EASY!
such a simple idea for teaching colors to toddlers - learning colors with blocks

Block Soup: A Color Learning & Matching Game for Toddlers

To make block coup and play this color learning game for toddlers, you will need:

  • a bunch of blocks in a variety of colors (any kind of colored blocks will work, wooden blocks, Duplo or Lego, or even homemade blocks)
  • a big pot (or even a laundry basket or bucket will work)
  • a large ladle or spoon
  • paper
  • markers or crayons in colors that match the block colors

This easy flower craft encourages color matching and learning, too!

game idea for toddlers to learn colors - a simple matching game, BLOCK SOUP. Here's the setup.

First, place all of the colored blocks in a container of some kind. We used our play shopping cart since the blocks were our “ingredients.”

If you want, you could expand on this “shop for ingredients” idea by first hiding the blocks around the room and having your toddler find them by calling out the colors (bonus color learning!).

Next, cut your paper into small squares. Then, use the markers to scribble a color on each one. You should have one paper for each block color.

Block soup is a color matching game for toddlers to recognize their colors. Try it!

Check out these activities to learn colors using interactive books!

Now, turn all of the papers upside down.

You are ready to play this color game!

Your child should turn one paper over at a time.

Together, talk about the color.

Give the color a name.

Ask them what color it is.

This all helps toddler learn to recognize their colors.

But the fun comes next, and the real learning begins.

teach colors to toddlers using blocks and making block soup

Then, they can search for the matching color back and use their spoon or ladle to remove same colored block from the shopping cart and dump it in the soup pot.

The first ingredient has been added to the pot of soup!

The beginnings of Block Soup made by your very own toddler (while learning their colors, I might add)!

match colored block ingredients to put in their block soup pot

As they dump the block in the pot, repeat the color name again by saying something like “Yay! There goes the pink block!”

stir in colored blocks to make block soup

Repeat this until the pot is mostly full and they’ve made the full “recipe” of their block soup.

use blocks to teach colors

The final step is to stir and cook all the ingredients (the colored blocked) in the soup!

Don’t miss all of these color learning activities for your little ones!

cooking their block soup in this easy color learning game for toddlers.

And of course, pretend to give it a taste!

toddler taste testing block soup

Of course, the components of this activity aren’t actually edible, but if you are looking for something that is, you’ll definitely want to check out this roundup of edible sensory play ideas!

Other ways to play Block Soup: A Color Matching Game for Toddlers

  • Add water for even more realistic soup! Water play is always fun. Take it outdoors or even to the bathtub!
  • We did this activity indoors but you could easily take it outside, especially if you want to add water.
  • If you are short on blocks, any colorful objects will work for this, even nature.
  • Up the challenge and incorporate some building by making cards that have two colors on them. Have your child find both colors and connect the blocks before adding them to the soup.
  • Practice sorting and counting by dumping out all of the blocks when the soup is done and counting how many you have of each color.
  • For older kids, turn it into a counting game. You can use standard size LEGO and a smaller pot. Make cards with numbers on them and have them count out the correct number of blocks and add them to the pot.
make block sound as a toddler color learning game using blocks

Not ready to be done with blocks? Have extra fun with some of these block activities!

What fun block activities have you done lately?

Can you find all the colored block ingredients to make this Block Soup recipe? A fun tasty learning colors game for toddlers to learn to recognize their colors.

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