Click here to read Shamrock Suncatcher Craft for a Lucky St Patrick’s Day on Hands On As We Grow®
Make a pretty shamrock suncatcher window craft as an easy toddler craft for St. Patrick’s Day.

Here’s how to make the shamrock suncatcher craft for St. Patrick’s Day
I laid out a piece of contact paper, sticky side up.
Henry added gold glitter.
… And more glitter.
(We may have had a glitter mishap that went something like this: “Mom, it isn’t coming out fast enough!” Then he turned the top to the big opening and just poured. We ended up starting over…)

Then add lots of green for your shamrock.
That’s easy enough, its Henry’s favorite color!
Rip of lots of green tissue paper and arrange on the contact paper.
We also added crinkle green grass paper (affiliate link).
Oh, and add more glitter in for good measure.

Green Collage to Start Your Suncatcher!
When your green collage is finished, cover it with another piece of contact paper and smash together as flat as possible.
Hold up in the light to check how the suncatcher catches the light!

Cut Out Shamrocks with Adult Help
Next, I cut out the shamrocks.
An adult should handle this part.
The plan was to cut out lots of little ones and decorate our tree, but it turns out that contact paper isn’t too easy to cut.
I’m not sure if we covered the contact paper too much, or if my contact paper is just the cheap kind.
But the edges had a hard time staying stuck, so I had to scotch tape them together in spots.

So, instead of cutting lots of small shamrocks, I quickly changed it to a shamrock suncatcher craft for St. Patrick’s Day and cut out a really large one!
All the better because the light shines through it this way!
I have previously banned glitter in this house, due to clean up.
Since then, I have found a couple good solutions: play dough and lint rollers.
After our glitter mishap, I wasn’t ready to start another project with play dough and I didn’t have any lint rollers.
But, I did have something sticky: the contact paper!
I folded it sticky side out onto itself and folded down one end and made a mitten!

Henry enjoyed the cleanup after we completed the shamrock suncatcher!
It worked great for the table cleanup – the floor cleanup was another story.
If you haven’t noticed yet – from the 11 Preschool Clean Ups… I always try to involve Henry in the cleanup after a project.
To me, that just makes sense.

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