Click here to read Simple Cardboard Airplane Craft for Kids on Hands On As We Grow®
As I was collecting some ideas to make an airplane craft, Louis crawled into the chair next to me at my desk. He saw this airplane craft used as a party decoration and wanted to make it immediately.
This seems to be how all our activities have gone lately. Louis wants to look at the computer, find an activity to do and we go have some fun! How does it work in your house?
I don’t have any cardboard boxes sitting around the house right now, so I pulled out a box of cereal. I removed the bag of cereal and opened up the box completely.
And Louis and I decided to color it!

Markers have been our choice for art projects lately. (This set of 100 washable markers, affiliate link, has been fantastic and I couldn’t recommend them more!).
Instead of coloring them with markers, you could also paint it using any of these methods.
We took our time decorating his airplane craft. We took turns, adding to it until an entire side of the cereal box was colored.
(This is surprising to me, as my kids have generally never been a huge fan of coloring.)
Turning Our Colored Box Into an Airplane Craft
At that point, I realized two things that I needed to figure out.
- The other side of the cardboard was cereal box logos and information, not pretty.
- This is really thin cardboard!
I made some judgement calls right there, and you can decide for yourself as well.

1. Fold Your Cardboard In Half
We cut the flaps off the cereal box and folded it in half so that our pretty coloring was on the outside. (This solved both the thin cardboard problem as well as hiding the cereal box writing.)
2. Draw A Simple Airplane Shape
From there, I drew a simple outline of the body of the airplane so that the bottom of the airplane sat on the folded line. I just did a Google image search for “airplane silhouette” to get a rough idea of what it should look like.
3. Cut it out!
I cut that out. If it wasn’t folded over, I would have had Louis cut it out, but I thought this would have been too thick. Go ahead and have your child give it a try!
Beginner to cutting? Try these cutting activities!
4. Add the Wings
With the remaining pieces of cardboard, I had enough for the wings (I kept it doubled up) and cut them out.
This part is all on me, the adult. I tend to like to have more child-centered crafts, but this is more about the end product for the child to play with.
With body and wings of the airplane cut out, I then cut a slit in the side of the body to slide the wings through. I used a sharp utility knife for this. An Xacto knife would work as well (both affiliate links for your convenience).

5. Tape, tape, tape
I then taped the airplane together. To hold the folded body together, the wings together, as well as the wings to the body. I just used clear Scotch tape.
And voila! An airplane craft masterpiece!

A fun little craft to make and then get tons of play out of!
Louis buzzes this around, taking off, flying and crashing! Boom!

We later made one for George and Henry, and Louis had to make another one for me too! It’s been lots of fun working together to design the airplanes!
Then I quickly put them together and then they have a new toy for pretend play.
How will your kids decorate their airplanes?

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