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Shredded Paper Snowman Sensory Bin for Play Time “Oh No! I’m Melting!”

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Grab your shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

Grab your shredded paper from the office and turn it into an exciting snowman sensory bin experience for toddlers and preschoolers at home.

We have all kinds of shredded paper going into the recycling every few months.

I couldn’t help but keep looking at it thinking how fun it would be for my toddler to touch and feel.

Such a great sensory item.

But what could I use it with?

Well, it’s winter now and all I can think of is how fun it would be to squish the paper up and make a snowman!

For A Shredded Paper Snowman Sensory Bin, You’ll Need:

Supplies needed for a simple winter hands on bin play idea
  • Shredded white paper
  • Large pom poms (or buttons)
  • Black & orange felt (or paper)
  • Brown & black pipe cleaners
  • Wide ribbon (or colorful pipe cleaners)
  • 3 paper plates
  • Tape (optional)
  • Large bin
  • Popsicle sticks, chopsticks, or plastic forks

Prepping for Your Shredded Paper Snowman Sensory Bin

Personally I chose to have lots of fun options for building a snowman to extend the sensory bin experience.

Try the simply supplies and prep option

But you can also keep it simple!

Just cut shapes out of paper and grab a couple pipe cleaners!

It doesn’t have to be complicated and definitely don’t stress about it.

Like I always say, “go with what you’ve got!”

Substitution Ideas

You can easily find shredded paper from an office if you don’t have it on hand. Crinkled paper stuffing from the gift wrap section of a store will work also!

Use what you have access to for the rest of the supplies.

You can easily make this entirely paper by cutting everything out of paper instead of using Pom Poms, buttons, and felt.

Don’t over think it. Just grab whatever works for you.

Shredded Paper Snowman Sensory Bin

First thing I did was set out the big bin of shredded paper, a tray of snowman building supplies, and 3 paper plates taped together each.

Grab your shredded paper from the office and turn it into an exciting snowman sensory bin experience for toddlers and preschoolers at home.

My kids looked at me in total amazement!

And then they went straight to work building their shredded paper snowmen!

Grab your shredded paper from the office and turn it into an exciting snowman sensory bin experience for toddlers and preschoolers at home.

Who knew a snowman sensory bin would be so exciting from the start!

I suppose there is something to be said for allowing little kids to grab big handfuls of shredded paper out of a bin and plop it on the floor!

Im sure its quite a freeing experience for these little growing minds and bodies!

Once we had all of the snow (shredded paper) on the paper plates, it was time to start turning it into a sensory snowman!

Grab your shredded paper from the office and turn it into an exciting snowman sensory bin experience for toddlers and preschoolers at home.

Charlie, my preschooler, didn’t need any direction.

He went straight to work creating his snowman.

Make use of your home office shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

Some of his choices we’re super funny.

Make use of your home office shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

Like a fork nose!

We all had some good laughs with that one!

Maisie, my toddler, needed a little more direction.

Make use of your home office shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

I took time with her to ask her questions to help guide her in building the snowman.

Make use of your home office shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

Encourage Toddlers with Simple Questions:

  • “What do you think would make a good nose for your snowman?”
  • “Charlie added buttons, are you going to add buttons?”
  • “What kind of arms does your snowman want to have?”
Make use of your home office shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

Charlie was a big help also.

I love it when siblings work together and help each other during an activity

Maisie would pause and watch her big brother add something to his shredded paper snowman and then she would grab something from the bin to add it to hers too.

Sibling relationships building and growing during an activity

Sometimes Charlie would make suggestions for Maisie also.

Make use of your home office shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

Charlie got to the point where he completed his masterpiece and he was done.

They were both very proud of their shredded paper snowmen!

Make use of your home office shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

I love it when an activity can last more than 5 minutes.

Anything over 15 minutes is a win in my books!

Download the FREE Sensory Bin Week of Crafts & Activities.

Keep it Inside the Bin: Shredded Paper Sensory Snowman Variation

If you don’t like messes or are dealing with carpet, try this variation of sensory play and make the snowman inside the bin!

Make use of your home office shredded paper and turn it into a super simple sensory play time building a snowman in the bin or on the floor.

Maisie, who is 2 years old, wanted to make more!

Toddlers and preschoolers will love the sensory experience of playing with shredded paper and building a snowman in the bin or on the floor!

So we moved on to the original idea I had in mind, the shredded paper sensory snowman bin.

Toddlers and preschoolers will love the sensory experience of playing with shredded paper and building a snowman in the bin or on the floor!

We simply used the shredded paper and small parts and built a variety of snowmen in the big bin.

Toddlers and preschoolers will love the sensory experience of playing with shredded paper and building a snowman in the bin or on the floor!

Maisie had so much fun with the sensory experience of the shredded paper, and she created all kind of snowmen variations in her big bin.

We changed it up and experimented with different ideas.

Toddlers and preschoolers will love the sensory experience of playing with shredded paper and building a snowman in the bin or on the floor!

We made some silly ones too!

Toddlers and preschoolers will love the sensory experience of playing with shredded paper and building a snowman in the bin or on the floor!

And we also played with the shredded paper in the bin on its own with a fork too!

In classic toddler style.

Toddlers and preschoolers will love the sensory experience of playing with shredded paper and building a snowman in the bin or on the floor!

At this point my toddler was happily occupied for quite a while with her snowman sensory bin.

Let it get a little messy! Grab the recyclable shredded paper bin and build some sensory snowmen together!

And I just got to sit for a bit and watch the fun happen.

A mom break is always a good bonus.

Keep it Out and Come Back to It!

Let it get a little messy! Grab the recyclable shredded paper bin and build some sensory snowmen together!

My kids begged me not to put this activity away and let them keep playing with it all day.

Let it get a little messy! Grab the recyclable shredded paper bin and build some sensory snowmen together!

For me that is a clear sign that this was an all-around great experience for them.

Let it get a little messy! Grab the recyclable shredded paper bin and build some sensory snowmen together!

I gave them both another half hour of free play with their snowman sensory bin.

Let it get a little messy! Grab the recyclable shredded paper bin and build some sensory snowmen together!
Let it get a little messy! Grab the recyclable shredded paper bin and build some sensory snowmen together!

And then I chose to decrease it and contain the mess a little.

I left out the sensory bin and small parts, but chose to sweep up the excess shredded paper from the floor.

I have to say, I have done many sensory bins with my kids.

But the shredded paper was by far my easiest and fasted clean up!

Clean up is a breeze with this activity! You won’t regret anything.

Both kids went back to this a few times throughout the afternoon.

After taking away the paper plates I actually found this activity to be basically mess free.

I also was able to slip the shredded paper right into my recycle bin after taking the snowman decorations out.

No waste!

Let it get a little messy! Grab the recyclable shredded paper bin and build some sensory snowmen together!

Go ahead and try this simple shredded paper sensory snowman bin with your kids!

Make it a big experience, or keep it minimal. Either way, you won regret it!

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