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7 Summer Art Projects to Do Outside

Click here to read 7 Summer Art Projects to Do Outside on Hands On As We Grow®

Summer is a time of play and being outside creating these summer art projects… and that always seems to lead to dirty hands and faces.

Whether it’s doing sandbox activities or big art projects like these, don’t let mess get in the way of making memories this summer (you know, you only have so many summers with your kids before they leave).

Check out these 7 must-do summer art projects, regardless of the mess! Take you toddlers and preschoolers outside in the nice weather and create some big messy art together!

Here are 7 summer art projects we’re doing this summer to make lifetime memories, lots of giggles and big, big smiles.

7 must-do summer art projects, regardless of the mess

Mix together a batch of window paint and go to town painting the windows and doors outside! Kids absolutely love this. All you need is dish soap, paint (or food coloring and corn starch).

These look like fun summer art projects we need to do with the kids!

Paint with mud. Just do it. Seriously, take down your guard and let the kids go with this. Mix up a batch of mud and hand over some paintbrushes and let them paint! They will think you’re totally awesome and the giggles will be so worth it.

These look like fun summer art projects we need to do with the kids!

Add some dish soap to paint and drive through it to paint with big trucks and cars down the sidewalk or driveway.

These look like fun summer art projects we need to do with the kids!

Enjoy the drips when painting down a slide! Add a tad bit of water to paint and pour it down paper on a slide. Watch the creativity happen!

These look like fun summer art projects we need to do with the kids!

Create your own spray chalk with equal parts baking soda, corn starch and warm water. Add food coloring. Create colorful art on a hanging white sheet! Or spray it on sand to make colored sand castles!

These look like fun summer art projects we need to do with the kids!

Classic art project that you gotta try! Tie dye! Tie dye anything, a t-shirt or a pillow case or a sheet! It’s so magical!

These look like fun summer art projects we need to do with the kids!

Dip a ball in some paint and roll it! Add paper down the sidewalk if you’d like, or just paint the sidewalk.

Quick Cleanup Tip! Add dish soap to any painting outside for easy clean up.

These look like fun summer art projects we need to do with the kids!

What kind of crazy outdoor art will your kids do this summer?

Make amazing memories this summer with your toddlers and preschoolers by trying some of these 7 big art ideas to make outside.

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